MOST St. Lucians will agree that the traffic situation needs attention but, more importantly, the influx of used vehicles from Japan remains an ongoing concern based on its economic benefit to the ordinary man.
We live in a democratic society and to each his own, but the time has come when assertive measures must be implemented even at an interim stage to address the major loss of man hours presently being experienced. We are all cognisant of Sir John Compton’s plan to slab the Castries river to assist the nation against traffic congestion, but we should also be aware that this project is unlikely to happen in the near future.
Consequently, an alternative measure must be addressed, and may we suggest to the traffic officers and the present administration that Brazil Street and Chaussee Road should be zoned as a ‘no parking area’ for the next one hundred and eight days to address an issue which is crippling the city and, by extension, the nation as the frustration experienced by visitors from Hewanorra to the north of the island after a lengthy Atlantic trip will take a serious toll on the hospitality industry.
Without any compunction, these measures must be implemented to achieve a free flow of traffic day and night. Additionally, all shops along Brazil Street should receive their merchandise between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. and Government should ensure that the drains adjacent to their shops should be well slabbed to facilitate any emergencies and avoid any traffic obstruction.
Traffic officers should be stationed at the Vigie roundabout between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. from Monday to Friday to ensure that the constant backup of traffic at that roundabout is addressed by intermittently alternating the direction of drivers through La Clery and the John Compton Highway to ensure a constant flow of traffic is maintained.
These costless exercises can bring about major economic results and reduce tremendously on the frustration of drivers. May we take this opportunity to thank Dr. Lyndell St. Ville for his article headlined “THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL” in the VOICE newspaper of December 7, 2017.
Finally, I am prepared to offer my personal presence with the traffic officers at 6:00 a.m. on the days prescribed to address this serious issue.I feel committed to a cause that can be immediately addressed at no additional cost.
Michael Chastanet