Letters & Opinion, Politics

Country Before Party

FORMER Senator and Minister Dr. Fletcher, has been praised for his work on the environment, suggesting there should be room for him in the new Government. But many persons here saw Dr. Fletcher’s work as belonging to the last SLP administration, while promoting himself.

From his critique of the use of the Piton World Heritage site (when UWP was in office), to his deafening silence on cleaning the John Compton Dam after Hurricane Tomas, people concluded that Dr. Fletcher sees his work on the environment as a one-man show that speaks to his ego and his party affiliations, only.

In addition, the man lacks respect for Prime Minister Allen Chastanet, a condition shared by other smart Alecks who think they are more academically ‘qualified’ than anyone without a PhD, after their names. These so called ‘qualified’ persons care little about anyone but themselves. Even with these negatives in mind, I would support some sort of role for Dr. Fletcher in the new administration, if only to prove that Allen Chastanet is more of a man than those who went before him in the former government, including Dr. Fletcher. It’s time to think, country before party.

– -Patriot’s Pride.


  1. That has always been my view of Fletcher. He is a liberal ‘player’ only interested in his paycheck and perks.
    What has he really done except the acceptable noises of liberal cant or helping with the destructive borrow and spend policy of the SLP to buy favours and votes.
    Just one more close minded individual playing the system for his benefit.
    St Lucia was worst off economically spiritually morally and the quality of life deteriorated under persons like him. But he knows how to play the game and will soon get a massive job in some transnational that spews left wing crap and lives off the taxpayer like him.

    He is not even ‘intellectual’ as his views are all played out in left of center semantics that has hurt our black breatheren. He is incapable of objective analysis or results focused management. He hust spends taxpayers money as a bureaucrat.

  2. And Joe, you left out: the man held seven (7) portfolios with out every facing the electorate. He did not have the balls to run on the SLP ticket, with a Phd. in some branch of agriculture, stay out field jimmy.

  3. Dr. Fletcher would be better off working for a world body such as the United Nations. The St.Lucian taxpayer should no longer pay the salary of this man whose only accomplishment is erecting a windmill in Dennery.

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